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Sharon Waddington

Sharon Waddington is the founder of World of Dogz. With over 30 years of experience working with dogs, this former Police Officer has seen it all. But it’s her trusty German Shepherd, Willow, who steals the show as the inspiration behind this website. As Sharon’s constant companion Willow has played a pivotal role in shaping her passion for dogs. Recently, Sharon has become deeply passionate about the plight of rescue dogs and is an active advocate for dog rescue, striving to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.
German Shepherd puppy sleeping in a crate

What Size Crate Do German Shepherds Need? Don’t Waste Money!

When it comes to providing a comfortable and safe space for your German Shepherd, choosing the right crate size is crucial. German Shepherds, known for their large size, require a crate that not only accommodates their physical dimensions but also caters to their specific needs. A German Shepherd requires a

German Shepherd Shedding

German Shepherd Shedding: Ultimate Guide to a Fur-Free Home

If you’re a German Shepherd owner or planning to become one, understanding their shedding habits is crucial. German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and, unfortunately, their prolific shedding. Don’t worry, though. This guide is your ultimate resource to understand everything about German Shepherd shedding. Whether you’re dealing with

A barking Labrador Retriever. Labrador Barking at Other Dogs

Labrador Barking at Other Dogs? How To Stop Barking

Has your Labrador developed an annoying habit of barking at other dogs? Whether it’s whilst out on a walk, at the dog park, or when another dog walks by the house with its owner. This may drive you crazy and cause you to wonder why your Lab barks at other

What Human Foods Can Golden Retrievers Eat?

35 Healthiest Human Foods For Golden Retrievers

It’s natural for you to want to share everything with your Golden Retriever, including your meals. But when feeding our furry friends, what’s safe and what’s not? While it’s tempting to slip a piece of your dinner under the table, it’s crucial to know which human foods are safe for

Three cute German Shepherd Puppies walking in a line. How to Exercise a German Shepherd Puppy

7 Fun Ways to Exercise a German Shepherd Puppy

If you have recently adopted a German Shepherd puppy, you might want to put your best foot forward and get your dog to be active right away. However, there’s tact and timing to your dog’s activity requirements and abilities. This makes exercising a German Shepherd puppy very different from exercising

An aggressive German Shepherd showing his teeth. Can German Shepherds Kill?

Can German Shepherds Kill? (a Human, Fox, Deer, Snake, & More)!

German Shepherds, admired for their intelligence and strength, have raised concerns about their potential danger. Can they kill? With a bite force of 238 PSI, German Shepherds can kill as they are capable of crushing bones and severing arteries. They can also threaten smaller animals due to their agility and