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Sharon Waddington

Sharon Waddington is the founder of World of Dogz. With over 30 years of experience working with dogs, this former Police Officer has seen it all. But it’s her trusty German Shepherd, Willow, who steals the show as the inspiration behind this website. As Sharon’s constant companion Willow has played a pivotal role in shaping her passion for dogs. Recently, Sharon has become deeply passionate about the plight of rescue dogs and is an active advocate for dog rescue, striving to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.
A Golden Retriever staring at his food bowl uninterested. Why Won't My Golden Retriever Eat?

Why Won’t My Golden Retriever Eat? Causes and Solutions

Golden Retrievers are known for their hearty appetite, so it’s concerning when your furry friend doesn’t dash into the kitchen at the sound of kibble hitting his dish. This change in behavior can leave many pet owners asking themselves, ‘Why won’t my Golden Retriever eat?’ If your Golden Retriever won’t

A Golden Retriever puppy eating pumpkin. What Vegetables Can Golden Retrievers Eat?

28 Vegetables Golden Retrievers Can Eat? And 8 Toxic Veg!

Vegetables can be a great addition to your Golden Retriever’s diet. They are great to give as training treats or add to their food for extra variety. But often, I’d wonder, “can my dog eat that?” So, what vegetables can Golden Retrievers eat?  Golden Retrievers can eat a wide range

A selection of vegan foods. Can German Shepherds be Vegan? Can German Shepherds be Vegetarian?

Can German Shepherds be Vegan? Is a Vegan Diet Healthy?

Veganism in humans and dogs is a controversial topic. You have extremists on either side and a wide range of opinions in between. Feeding your German Shepherd a vegan diet will garner hearty applause from some but resounding condemnation from others. But these are opinions; what are the facts? Can

A cute Golden Retriever puppy. How Long Can a Golden Retriever be Left Alone?

How Long Can Golden Retrievers Be Left Alone? (Pup to Senior)

Golden Retrievers, known for their friendly and tolerant attitude, are among the most popular dog breeds worldwide. As social animals, they thrive on companionship, but the reality of modern living often necessitates leaving them alone at times. The question of how long a Golden Retriever can be left alone varies

A naughty Golden Retriever after ripping up a toilet roll. How to Discipline a Golden Retriever

How to Discipline a Golden Retriever: And What Not to Do!

When disciplining a Golden Retriever, many people wrongly assume it means punishment alone, such as beating or refusing food. However, this is simply animal abuse. When disciplining a dog, we refer to redirecting him to the correct behavior and teaching him rules. So, how do you discipline a Golden Retriever?

A Labrador sat on a couch that's been chewed up. Labrador Behavior Problems

Common Labrador Behavior Problems (with Solutions)

Have you noticed specific behavior in your Labrador that leaves you questioning why they do it? You’re not alone, as almost every owner will say that their dog has exhibited at least one common Labrador behavior problem. Common Labrador behavior problems are: Don’t throw in the towel yet, though, because