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Sowmya Sankaran

Sowmya Sankaran is crazy about dogs, rabbits and birds! An avid rescuer and rehabilitator of dogs and other animals, she runs the Life With Equality Charitable Trust, an animal shelter in Chennai, India. She is also the founder of Petsmond, a pet website, in which she shares her experiences in raising different creatures and paying attention to intricate aspects of their health.
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Bernadoodle abuse

What This Dog Trainer Did Will Shock You! (Dog Owners Alert)

In the realm of canine companionship, trust forms the foundation of our relationship with our furry friends. However, when that trust is betrayed, the consequences can be heart-wrenching. We’ve delved into a case from Arlington, Texas, that reveals a disturbing pattern of negligence resulting in the tragic loss of three


This Pitbull Abuse Shook The World

In the early hours of a drizzly South Carolina morning, a scenario unfolds that seems straight out of a detective novel. A team of agents, poised for action, converges on a hidden site. Their mission: to rescue nearly 40 Pitbulls from the grips of an underground dog fighting ring. This

How To Train an 8 Week Old Labrador Puppy (Step-by-Step)

If you just brought home an 8-week-old Labrador puppy, you know you’ve just added dog training to your list of daily chores! What you might not know is how easy or challenging your new job will be. As the founder of a dog rescue shelter, I have handled many Labradors

A Black Lab, a Chocolate Lab and a Yellow Lab. Can Labradors Change Color?

Can Labradors Change Color? (With Age, Health, & Seasons)

As a dog shelter owner with a soft spot for Labradors, I’ve often been asked, “Can Labradors Change Color?” Through years of caring for these beautiful dogs, I’ve noticed intriguing variations in their coat colors, influenced by age, health, and even seasons. So, what do I tell them? Labradors can

Harness or Collar for Labrador Puppy? Which is Best?

Whether you have brought home a new Labrador puppy or already have a dog following you around the house, ready to go out on walks, you must know how to lead and control him. This is, above all, for his safety, and you do not want to use an uncomfortable

A Labrador puppy in a dog crate

Finding the Perfect Crate: 7 Best Dog Crates for Labradors

As a devoted Labrador owner constantly on the lookout for the “best dog crate for Labradors,” I understand the unique needs these energetic and sizable companions have. Whether you’re searching for a durable, spacious, or comfortable crate, finding the right one can be a challenge. It’s not just about size