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Sowmya Sankaran

Sowmya Sankaran is crazy about dogs, rabbits and birds! An avid rescuer and rehabilitator of dogs and other animals, she runs the Life With Equality Charitable Trust, an animal shelter in Chennai, India. She is also the founder of Petsmond, a pet website, in which she shares her experiences in raising different creatures and paying attention to intricate aspects of their health.
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AI dog bark collar

AI Technology Revolutionizes Dog Bark Collars (World’s First!)

ONCHIP.AI, a leading technology company, unveiled a groundbreaking new product today – the HushPuppy AI-Powered Dog Bark Collar, representing a major advancement in bark control tools by incorporating sophisticated artificial intelligence. This smart collar uses advanced algorithms to accurately detect and differentiate a dog’s bark from ambient background noises. The

Dog licking a human when mad

4 Reasons Your Dog Licks You When You Get Mad At Him

Have you ever wondered why your dog licks you when you get mad at them? It may seem like a peculiar way for them to respond, but several reasons can explain this behavior. Understanding the motives behind your dog’s licking might help you to better communicate with your canine companion

How Often Should You Feed a Chihuahua?

How Often Should You Feed a Chihuahua? Essential Guide

Feeding your Chihuahua might seem complicated, but it’s actually quite simple once you understand their needs. If you’re someone like me who has multiple dogs (of varied breeds), it can get daunting at times. As soon as I rescued my second dog, I decided I needed a quick understanding of

What Can Chihuahuas Not Eat?

What Can Chihuahuas Not Eat? (23 Toxic or Harmful Foods)

Feeding time for Chihuahuas is my favorite. There’s a huge difference between the eating patterns and styles of small, medium, and large-sized dogs. In my experience rescuing and raising dogs of varied breeds, I’ve found how small breeds eat cuter than the rest. However, their cuteness can lure you. You

What Can Chihuahuas Eat?

What Can Chihuahuas Eat? (Diet, Nutrition, and Feeding Tips)

Chihuahuas, as tiny and adorable as they are, need proper nutrition to thrive and maintain their health. But what exactly should you give them? If you’re already a dog owner like me, you can sort this quickly. Otherwise, it’s going to take forever to get hold of a list of

Chihuahua First Heat and Cycle

Chihuahua First Heat and Cycle: What To Expect and When

Chihuahuas are tiny but undergo phases similar to every other breed. What’s tricky about a Chihuahua is their reproduction aspect. From experiencing the first heat to producing offspring, several scenarios need your attention. So, what’s the first heat and cycle of a Chihuahua like? Your Chihuahua will likely enter her