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Sharon Waddington

Sharon Waddington is the founder of World of Dogz. With over 30 years of experience working with dogs, this former Police Officer has seen it all. But it’s her trusty German Shepherd, Willow, who steals the show as the inspiration behind this website. As Sharon’s constant companion Willow has played a pivotal role in shaping her passion for dogs. Recently, Sharon has become deeply passionate about the plight of rescue dogs and is an active advocate for dog rescue, striving to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.
Two Labradors Laying in a yard looking out. How Long Can Labradors Be Left Alone?

How Long Can Labradors Be Left Alone? (Pup to Senior)

Labradors are incredibly friendly dogs and love to be around their family. But sometimes, you may need to leave them alone to run an errand or go to work. As it’s not always possible to spend every minute with your dog, you may wonder how long you can leave your

A Labrador Puppy in a Crate. How Long Can You Leave a Labrador in a Crate?

How Long Can You Leave A Labrador In A Crate?

Labrador Retrievers are physically active and energetic dogs, and they don’t like to feel confined in one place for too long. When you leave your Labrador in his crate while you go out, it’s essential to know how long you can leave him there. Labradors should not be left in

Labrador looking at a selection of fruits. What Fruits Can Labradors Eat?

What Fruits Can Labradors Eat? 29 Dog-Friendly Fruits

Fruits can be a great addition to your Labrador’s diet. I love to feed my dog fruits such as apples or strawberries. They make a great treat, especially if your treat drawer is empty! You can also add fruits to your dog’s meals to complement their diet. But what fruits

Fresh vegetables in a basket. What Vegetables Can Labradors Eat?

28 Vegetables Labradors Can Eat: And 8 That Are Toxic!

Vegetables can be a great addition to your Labrador’s diet. I like to feed my dog veggies such as raw carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas. They are great to give as treats or add to their food to switch it up. So, what vegetables can Labradors eat?  Labradors can eat

A naughty Labrador sitting a chewed up chair. How to Discipline a Labrador

How to Discipline a Labrador: And What Not to Do!

When disciplining a Labrador, many people wrongly assume it means punishment alone, such as spanking or denying food, however, this is not the case. When disciplining a dog we are referring to teaching him rules and learning the correct behavior. So, how do you discipline a Labrador? To discipline a

A selection of healthy foods. What is the Best Diet for Labradors?

Feeding The Right Diet: What’s The Best Diet For Labradors?

Are you constantly wondering what’s truly the best diet for your Labrador? As a Labrador owner, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is what to feed your furry friend, especially as they are known not just for their friendly and outgoing nature but also for their unique nutritional