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Sharon Waddington

Sharon Waddington is the founder of World of Dogz. With over 30 years of experience working with dogs, this former Police Officer has seen it all. But it’s her trusty German Shepherd, Willow, who steals the show as the inspiration behind this website. As Sharon’s constant companion Willow has played a pivotal role in shaping her passion for dogs. Recently, Sharon has become deeply passionate about the plight of rescue dogs and is an active advocate for dog rescue, striving to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.
A Sable GSD Puppy. Are Sable German Shepherds Rare?

What is a Sable German Shepherd? Dispelling The Myths

It is only natural to look at different types of GSDs when you’re in the market for a new German Shepherd. And if you’ve just started your GSD research, you may have already encountered the term ‘sable’ a few times. You may wonder if that’s a breed or a specific

German Shepherd Puppy Paws. Do German Shepherd Puppies Have Big Paws?

Do German Shepherd Puppies Have Big Paws?

If you’ve ever seen a German Shepherd puppy, you’ve likely been entranced by their overwhelming cuteness that never seems to wear off as they grow up. Floppy ears, bushy tails, and clumsy mannerisms overwhelm us with joy. And not to mention those adorable paws. Do German Shepherd puppies have big

Two GSD Puppies mouthing during play. Are German Shepherds Mouthy?

6 Reasons German Shepherds Mouth (And How To Stop It!)

Mouthing is a natural behavior in canines. They will mouth your hand and other dogs when playing, but have you ever wondered why your German Shepherd seems to be over the top when using their mouth and play biting? German Shepherds are a mouthy breed due to their breeding purpose

A Golden Retriever with a file of fur after being de-shedded. Golden Retriever Shedding

7 Easy Ways To Reduce Golden Retriever Shedding

Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly demeanor, intelligence, and, unfortunately, their tendency to shed. If you’re a Golden Retriever owner, you’re probably all too familiar with finding tufts of golden fur all over your home. While it’s impossible to stop a Golden Retriever from shedding entirely there are several

Working Line German Shepherd

Working Line German Shepherd (Training, Drive, & Health)

If you’ve taken even a passing interest in German Shepherds, you’ve already heard of the two broad categories: the working line German Shepherd and the show line GSD. Max von Stephanitz created the breed for work compatibility yet debuted the dog with such spectacle that it fascinated two different types

King Shepherd

King Shepherd: Care, Training, Size, Weight, Cost & More!

Are you looking for a loyal, loving, and family-friendly companion? Look no further than the King Shepherd! This majestic breed is a recent mix of the German Shepherd, the Shiloh Shepherd, and the Alaskan Malamute, resulting in a dog that is every bit as good as a German Shepherd but