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Sharon Waddington

Sharon Waddington is the founder of World of Dogz. With over 30 years of experience working with dogs, this former Police Officer has seen it all. But it’s her trusty German Shepherd, Willow, who steals the show as the inspiration behind this website. As Sharon’s constant companion Willow has played a pivotal role in shaping her passion for dogs. Recently, Sharon has become deeply passionate about the plight of rescue dogs and is an active advocate for dog rescue, striving to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.
Ideal Temperature For a GSD. A GSD paddling in the river.

Ideal Temperature For a German Shepherd For Maximum Comfort

Residing in the UK, where we experience mild summers and chilly winters, I frequently contemplate the ideal temperature for German Shepherds like my dog Willow. This curiosity is further piqued by the fact that her littermates reside in the diverse climates of the US and the Caribbean. Such variations in

Husky Shedding

Husky Shedding Like Crazy? Here’s How To Reduce Husky Shedding

Dealing with Husky shedding can often feel overwhelming, especially if you’re unprepared for the flurry of fur that comes with owning this majestic breed. The plush, straight, and smooth-lying double coat of a Husky is indeed beautiful, but it also means a significant amount of shedding. However, understanding and managing

How To Train 1 Year Old Labrador. Young Lab being trained.

7 Easy Ways To Train a 1 Year Old Labrador

Labradors are energetic dogs who can make life fun if trained right. But they need training and guidance as soon as they are released into your custody. Sometimes, you may get a grown-up Lab that needs to be socialized and re-educated to follow commands. When training a 1-year-old Labrador, socialize

What Human Foods Can Bulldogs Eat?

The Ultimate List of Human Foods Your Bulldog Can Eat

Surely there is nothing wrong with sharing your favorite “people food” with your English Bulldog, right? Unfortunately, that is not always the case. English Bulldogs have a different digestive system from humans, so some foods that are perfectly safe for humans could be toxic and potentially deadly for Bulldogs. On

Labrador Puppy Training

7 Speedy Ways To Train A Labrador Puppy

Labradors make awesome pets, especially if you fully comprehend the importance of training from a young age. But are you struggling with training your Labrador puppy or contemplating getting a Lab puppy? Does your new Labrador puppy disobey your commands or ignore you? If you answered yes to any of

A GSD Eating from its bowl. How Often Should You Feed a German Shepherd?

How Often To Feed Your German Shepherd: Frequency Matters

Have you heard conflicting advice on how often to feed your German Shepherd? Feeding your dog doesn’t have to be complicated – but you want to get it right. So, how many times a day should you feed your German Shepherd? German Shepherds should be fed at least twice a