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What Foods are Toxic to Golden Retrievers? The Must-Know List

Last Updated: January 27, 2024

Discover the key to safeguarding your Golden Retriever from dietary dangers with our guide on ‘Foods Toxic to Golden Retrievers.’

While they’re cherished family members, your Golden Retrievers can suffer severe health issues from everyday foods.

This article delves into common and lesser-known toxic foods, from chocolate and raisins to green potatoes and moldy items, and how they threaten your dog’s well-being.

You’ll gain vital knowledge about:

  • Immediate steps to take if your Golden Retriever ingests harmful food.
  • The significance of prompt treatment for a full recovery.
  • Safe dietary options for your pet.
  • Expert insights from a licensed veterinarian on food toxins.
A Golden Retriever Puppy looking at a huge pile of chocolate.

What Can Golden Retrievers Not Eat?

Foods toxic to Golden Retrievers include chocolate, macadamia nuts, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, walnuts, alcoholic drinks, and goods sweetened with xylitol.

Some less well-known foods are poisonous to dogs, such as raw or green potatoes, yeast dough, green tomatoes, and moldy food.

According to research conducted over the last decade, most dog owners mistakenly feed toxic foods to their pets owing to a lack of awareness. Dogs are being exposed to dangerous foodstuffs commonly found in the household.

“Therefore, if this article saves only one Golden Retriever, I will be more than delighted.” – World of Dogz

Let’s explore the toxic foods your Golden Retriever must avoid. Even small amounts of these can be deadly, so understanding these risks is critical for your dog’s safety.


Alcoholic beverages

Golden Retriever can not drink alcohol. It affects the liver and brain of dogs the same way as humans and can cause alcohol poisoning; however, even a tiny amount of alcohol can be lethal to your dog.

Alcohol poisoning can result in a dangerous drop in blood sugar, vomiting, diarrhea, a loss of muscle coordination, and difficulty breathing.

Seizures, respiratory failure, and death have all been recorded in severe cases, which can happen as soon as 12 to 24 hours after ingestion.

Although I can’t imagine someone giving their Golden Retriever a swig of beer or vodka and lemonade, some dogs will attempt to drink alcoholic beverages straight from the glass or lick them up if you spill them on the floor.

“And don’t forget the “hidden places” containing alcohol, such as unbaked yeast bread dough and several desserts.” – World of Dogz

Alcohol can also be found in other items you wouldn’t expect, such as mouthwash, perfume, and cleaning supplies. Furthermore, don’t overlook hand sanitizer! Remember to keep alcohol-containing foods and products out of reach.

If you grow fruit at home, such as apples, be cautious when the fruit falls from the tree and begins to decompose, as ethanol (alcohol) is produced.

A dog’s ingestion of a considerable amount of rotten apples resulted in ethanol poisoning, and the dog sadly died 48 hours later. Never leave your Golden Retriever unattended where the fruit is readily available.



Golden Retrievers can not eat avocado as it is toxic to your dog. Avocado skin, leaves, pits, and bark are all harmful because they contain a toxin called persin, which can cause fluid build-up in your dog’s lungs and chest.

Although the fruit’s fleshy portion contains less persin than the rest of the plant, it is still poisonous to your dog if ingested.

Poisoning symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and trouble breathing if your Golden Retriever eats a significant amount of avocado. Extreme cases can result in oxygen starvation, which can lead to death.

This fruit’s high-fat content can also cause pancreatitis, and the avocado pit is a choking danger. If you’re growing avocados at home, ensure your dog stays away from them.

Black Walnuts

Black Walnuts

Golden Retrievers can not eat walnuts as they contain an unknown toxin. Some symptoms of walnut poisoning include vomiting, restlessness, panting, fever, and a loss of coordination.

Seizures, tremors, and liver failure may all be signs of severe walnut poisoning. Death can also occur.

Be mindful of walnuts lying around on the ground that have become moldy, as the mold also becomes a poison, and you’re in for double trouble!

While certain nuts, such as cashews or almonds, are safe for Golden Retrievers to eat, they must be given sparingly due to their high-fat content.

Nuts can quickly cause a stomach upset, and feeding your dog high-fat foods can lead to pancreatitis or obesity.

I’d rather keep all nuts on my “unsafe list of foods for dogs” as they pose a choking hazard.

Learn More About Harmful & Toxic Foods Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat…

Blue Cheese

 Blue Cheese

Golden Retrievers can not eat blue cheese like Stilton. The fungus used to make these cheeses produces roquefortine C, which dogs can be sensitive to.

It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, high temperatures, tremors, twitching, and seizures if consumed in large amounts.

Other cheeses, such as mild cheddar, are suitable for dogs to eat, but like other dairy products, they may be difficult for some Golden Retrievers to digest. The term for this condition is lactose intolerance.

Since all dairy products contain varying lactose quantities, whether your Golden Retriever can enjoy small pieces of safe cheese depends on the specific dog. Keep in mind that high-fat foods will disturb your doggo’s stomach.

For instance, my dog enjoys small cheddar pieces as a treat, an occasional lick of milk, and plain or Greek yogurt added to her food as a topping. However, she cannot tolerate even a lick of heavy cream, as this makes her sick.

If your dog is a scavenger and tries to get into the garbage to see if there’s any old festering blue cheese, be careful!

Caffeine (Tea, Coffee, etc.)

A cup of coffee on a table surrounded by coffee beans

Caffeine intake in Golden Retrievers is a significant problem that, in some situations, can be fatal.

It overstimulates their nervous system, resulting in a rapid heartbeat, which can lead to death. Excessive thirst, vomiting, agitation, and incontinence are other symptoms.

Several cases of death have been reported in dogs due to a caffeine overdose

Keep your Golden Retriever away from coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, colas, and energy drinks. Some vitamins, cold medications, and pain relievers contain caffeine.

The tragic case of a Yorkshire Terrier who died after ingesting an over-the-counter caffeine supplement is detailed in this article.



Golden Retrievers can not eat cherry pits, stems, and leaves as they contain toxic cyanide. Cyanide poisoning inhibits your dog from getting enough oxygen.

Dilated pupils, bright red gums, and breathing difficulties are symptoms. In critical cases, shock and death are possible outcomes.

Although the cherry’s flesh is harmless, it may give your dog an upset stomach, so it’s best to avoid them. The pit, in any case, is a choking hazard and can cause a digestive blockage if swallowed.

Chocolate and Cocoa


Golden Retrievers can not eat chocolate. Many dog owners believe that giving their pets a small piece of chocolate is safe, but this is not the case; all chocolate is toxic to dogs.

The toxic components of theobromine and caffeine in chocolate are harmful because dogs can’t metabolize them.

Dark, unsweetened baking chocolate is the most toxic; the darker it is, the more poisonous it becomes due to the higher concentration of cacao solids.

Chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration in dogs. Depending on the amount ingested, potency, and size, chocolate can also cause heart problems, tremors, seizures, and death. 

Beware of other chocolate products that contain additional toxins, such as macadamia nuts, raisins, or xylitol.



Golden Retrievers should not eat garlic. Garlic will harm your dog’s red blood cells, which can rupture if they eat a lot. Anemia develops as a result, with symptoms such as rapid breathing, lethargy, fatigue, and jaundice.

Garlic poisoning may also trigger extreme stomach distress, like vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, pain, and lack of appetite.

Although a tiny amount of garlic is harmless for your Golden Retriever, large quantities can be dangerous; however, your dog will have to consume a lot of garlic to become ill, and fatalities are uncommon.

But keep in mind that garlic poisoning symptoms may be delayed and may not appear for several days, and some dogs have a higher level of sensitivity than others.

Avoid feeding your doggo foodstuffs that have been seasoned with garlic, such as garlic bread and bolognese sauce.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and Raisins

Golden Retrievers can not eat grapes, as they are incredibly toxic. Vomiting within 24 hours of ingestion is typical.

Keep an eye out for excessive thirst and a lack of urine. Diarrhea, lethargy, and stomach cramps are also potential side effects.

Even a few grapes or other dried forms, such as raisins, sultanas, and currants, can cause kidney failure in dogs. Scientists have not established the cause of the toxicity or determined the precise dose.

However, some dogs have died after consuming just a handful of raisins, while others have survived after eating much more.

Avoid foods like grape juice, breakfast cereals, trail mix, raisin cereal, raisin bread, and baked goods like raisin cookies or scones that contain grape extracts. These are all possible poisonous sources for your Golden Retriever.

Hops (Home Beer Brewing)

Golden Retrievers cannot eat hops.

Malignant hyperthermia (which can be life-threatening), a rapid heartbeat, panting, vomiting, and stomach pain are signs and symptoms to monitor if you believe your dog has accidentally eaten hops. Death can happen in a matter of hours in extreme cases.

Hops are the cone-shaped flowers of the hop plant used in brewing beer. If you are a home-brew hobbyist, you must keep hops out of your dog’s reach, whether you use pellets or dried flowers. The plant’s toxic component is still unknown.

Breeds predisposed to malignant hyperthermia, including the Golden Retriever, may be more vulnerable to toxicity.

Horse Chestnuts (Conkers)

Horse Chestnuts

Golden Retrievers should not eat horse chestnuts as they are toxic to dogs because they contain aesculin, a poison found in all parts of the tree, including the leaves. They cause severe stomach upset in low doses and affect the dog’s central nervous system in higher doses.

Extreme vomiting and diarrhea, drooling, increased thirst, lethargy, and convulsions are all signs to look for if you think your Golden Retriever might have eaten any conkers. Symptoms can appear as soon as one hour after ingestion or take up to two days.

Although horse chestnuts are poisonous to Golden Retrievers, they must eat several to become seriously ill.

The horse chestnut tree is found throughout the United Kingdom and milder parts of Europe, North America, and Asia.

Ripened conkers fall to the ground in late summer and autumn. They should not be confused with the unrelated edible sweet American chestnut.

Macadamia Nuts

 Macadamia Nuts

Golden Retrievers should not eat macadamia nuts (Australian nuts).

Although the cause of the toxicity is unclear, a handful of raw or roasted macadamia nuts will make your dog very ill. Signs and symptoms usually materialize within 12 hours of ingestion.

While no deaths have been reported from macadamia nut poisoning in dogs, severe cases have necessitated veterinary treatment.

So, if you think your Retriever has eaten some, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, hyperthermia, and tremors.

Food containing macadamia nuts, such as baked goods, cookies, trail mix, and muffins, should also be avoided.

Moldy Food

Moldy Food

Golden Retrievers can not eat moldy foods. Mold is a fungus that grows on old food and can make your dog sick if ingested.

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds found in mold. Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, incoordination, convulsions, high fever, seizures, and death are all symptoms in extreme cases.

Moldy foods. e.g., bread, cheese, fruit, and other rotting produce will make your dog ill.

If your Golden Retriever eats moldy fruit or nuts outside, gets into the compost heap, or manages to get into the household trash, these are the key dangers to be aware of.

Mushrooms (Wild)

Wild Mushrooms

Golden Retrievers should not eat wild mushrooms as they can be highly toxic. The signs of mushroom poisoning in dogs differ depending on the type of mushroom ingested.

Severe vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, seizures, irritability, and fatigue should all be suspected. Coma, liver failure, and death are all possibilities.

There are thousands of wild mushroom varieties, and while only a small percentage are considered poisonous, if your dog eats one, he might get very sick. Mushroom poisoning can be fatal in serious cases.

Some mushroom toxins can affect your Golden Retriever in 15-30 minutes, while others can take up to 24 hours. If possible, take a mushroom sample to your veterinarian, who can determine the appropriate course of action based on the toxin.

A few washed white mushrooms from the store, such as the white button or Portobello varieties, are generally safe for dogs. However, I’m not a fan of mushrooms, so I don’t feed them to my dog.



Nutmeg is poisonous to Golden Retrievers due to the toxin myristicin. If your dog ingests a small amount of nutmeg, mild stomach discomfort can occur.

However, if a significant amount is swallowed, it can cause dry mouth, stomach cramps, disorientation, high blood pressure, and seizures.

Although this popular spice is commonly found in most homes (used to season several sweet and savory dishes), your Golden Retriever would have to eat a considerable amount of nutmeg to experience nasty side effects.

Nonetheless, I figured it would be prudent to include it here if your dog accidentally gets into a jar of ground nutmeg!

Nutmeg is also hallucinogenic, so eating a substantial amount of it could be a frightening experience for your dog!

Onions, Shallots, Leeks, and Chives

Onions and Leek

Golden Retrievers can not eat onions, shallots, leeks, and chives because they are toxic in large quantities.

Eating these foods can cause your dog to suffer from anemia due to ruptured red blood cells. In severe cases, an elevated heart rate and, in some cases, death may result.

To save your dog, veterinarians may need to perform a blood transfusion.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastroenteritis are some of the milder signs of poisoning.

These foods induce excessive drooling by inflaming the GI tract (beginning with the mouth). Poisoning symptoms can appear gradually, which you should be aware of.

Don’t give your dog leftover bolognese because it generally includes a lot of onions and garlic!

Potatoes (Raw or Green)

Raw Potatoes

Golden Retrievers can not eat raw or green potatoes as they are poisonous, although a large amount would need to be eaten to cause severe problems.

They are part of the nightshade family of vegetables that contain solanine, a toxic compound. (green tomatoes also fall in the same category).

If your Golden Retriever consumes a lot of solanine, his nervous system will be damaged, and he won’t be able to function properly. Vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, confusion, and a sluggish heart rate are signs of poisoning.

However, it is nice to give your Golden Retriever a small amount of cooked potato, since cooking massively decreases the amount of solanine in the potato.

Ensure that the potatoes are baked, mashed, or boiled and that no butter or salt is added. Remember to keep your dog away from your vegetable garden if you have one!

Rhubarb Leaves

Rhubarb Leaves

Since rhubarb leaves contain soluble oxalate crystals, they are toxic to Golden Retrievers; however, a significant amount will have to be ingested to induce poisoning.

On the other hand, the rhubarb plant’s stalk is harmless for your Golden in small amounts and can even help with constipation.

As soluble oxalate salts from rhubarb leaves are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, they bind with calcium in the body, causing a sudden calcium drop.

Changes in thirst, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, exhaustion, tremors, and bloody urine are all symptoms of this form of poisoning in dogs. Renal failure may happen in the worst-case scenario.

You must be careful if you grow rhubarb at home and ensure your Golden Retriever is always supervised. 



Golden Retrievers should not ingest salt, as eating too much salt can make your dog seriously thirsty or dehydrated and lead to sodium poisoning.

Dogs that ingest too much salt vomit within several hours. Weakness, diarrhea, muscle tremors, and seizures are all potential symptoms.

Excessive thirst or urination puts the kidneys at risk of damage. Salt poisoning is a severe problem that can lead to death if not treated quickly. Dogs can be poisoned by only 4 grams of salt, which is around 3/4 teaspoon.

Don’t be tempted to feed your Golden Retriever salty snacks such as popcorn, chips, or pretzels; instead, opt for healthy dog treats or veggies. As salt poisoning is often directly related to dehydration, ensure your dog always has access to clean water.

Tomato (Green)

Green Tomatoes

Golden Retrievers can not eat green tomatoes. They can harm dogs when eaten in large amounts due to the toxin solanine, which can cause extreme stomach upset, muscle weakness, tremors, heart failure, trouble breathing, and possibly seizures.

Although the ripened red fruit of the tomato is usually considered safe for dogs, the plant’s green sections (stems and vines) and unripened tomatoes shouldn’t be eaten.

If you were unaware of this danger, like me, make sure your Golden Retriever is no longer allowed in your greenhouse! If you want to grow tomatoes in your backyard, fence them in to keep your dog out.

Xylitol (Sweet Candies, Toothpaste)


You’d have to be insane to feed your dog candy! Still, a disturbing increase in poisonings has emerged in recent years due to the growing popularity of xylitol in various items that many people are unaware of.

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol mainly used as an artificial sweetener that is unsafe for your Golden Retriever.

Sweet candies, mints, chewing gum, bread, preserves, cookies, other baked goods, and diet foods contain it. It’s also in toothpaste, another “hidden danger” you might not know!

Don’t let your Golden Retriever lick your fingers after cleaning your teeth, and always use special dog toothpaste!

If too much xylitol is ingested, it can result in dangerously low blood sugar and acute liver failure. Vomiting, lethargy, balance issues, seizures, and even coma can occur within 30 minutes of ingestion.

While Golden Retrievers can eat peanut butter, some brands contain xylitol, so always read the label or purchase an organic brand.

Yeast Dough

Yeast Dough

When yeast dough ferments, it releases alcohol, which can cause your Golden Retriever to become sick and eventually cause death in severe cases.

Furthermore, raw bread dough requires rising, and if your Retriever consumes it, his stomach will function as an oven, allowing the yeast dough to rise.

The dough then expands inside, causing a bowel obstruction or a bloated stomach, all of which cause excruciating pain, particularly if the stomach twists.

This turns into a life-threatening situation that necessitates abdominal surgery. A distended abdomen is the most prominent symptom, but your Golden Retriever can also experience trouble breathing, retching, weakness, collapse, and shock.

Exactly What to Do if Your Golden Retriever Ingests Toxic Food

Your Golden Retriever can find and ingest something toxic, no matter how careful you are! If you think your dog has eaten something dangerous, you must act quickly and seek professional advice from your veterinarian.

Two more valuable services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) and the Pet Poison Helpline are two organizations.

A consultation fee may apply, but the sooner your Golden Retriever’s poisoning is diagnosed and treated, the better prognosis he will have:

The prognosis is always better when a toxicity is reported immediately. It’s always less expensive, and safer for your pet for you to call immediately.” – Pet Poison Helpline

If your Golden Retriever does eat something poisonous, follow these emergency guidelines from the Pet Poison Helpline:

  • Keep your dog out of the area and ensure no other pets are in danger. Remove any remaining toxic food from their range.
  • Check to see if your dog’s breathing is normal and if he’s behaving as usual.
  • Collect a food sample while speaking with your vet or a Pet Poison Helpline specialist.
  • Give your dog no food, milk, or other homemade remedies! Also, never cause your dog to vomit or give him hydrogen peroxide without first speaking to your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline.
  • Be prepared and seek assistance. Store your veterinarian’s phone number, an emergency animal hospital number, and the Pet Poison Helpline phone number (855-764-7661) in your cell phone.

A Vet’s Perspective

I was fortunate enough to speak with licensed veterinarian TB Thompson, DVM of Natural Pets HQ, on food contaminants.

It’s great to hear from a veterinarian on such an important topic, and she offers some excellent advice for keeping your dog safe:

Q. What is the most prevalent food involved in accidental dog ingestion that results in poisoning, according to your experience?

A. “The most common toxic food ingestions I see are chocolate and grapes/raisins. It’s often the case that a dog has eaten something containing those ingredients, like cookies or muffins.” 

Q. These days, xylitol seems to be in a lot of products. Have you come across any xylitol poisoning cases?

A. “I’ve seen a few cases of xylitol toxicity. One I remember was a dog presented to the emergency clinic after having eaten some sort of diet food with xylitol in it. He was brought in because he had a seizure at home. We found his blood sugar was very low. He ended up recovering well after being treated for a few days in the hospital.” 

Q. Many people will try to make their dog vomit if they’ve eaten something harmful, but what should they really do?

A. “Sometimes inducing vomiting can make things worse. The best thing to do if you think your dog has ingested something toxic is to call an animal poison control center immediately. In the US, we have two great resources in the ASPCA Poison Control Center and Pet Poison Helpline. These people are amazing! Tell the veterinarian at the poison control center what your dog ingested and how much he got. They will give you specific instructions on what to do next.” 

Q. What do you think is the most common explanation for dogs consuming poisonous foods? Is it the owner’s lack of understanding or the dog getting into things he shouldn’t, like handbags, cupboards, or the trash?

A. “Most of the time, dogs get into food that has been left out on a table or other accessible area. Occasionally we have to do some sleuthing to figure out what made a dog sick when their owners aren’t aware that a particular food is toxic to dogs.” 

Q. What is your best advice to poison-proof a home?

A. “Keep all food in a high cabinet or another place your dog cannot access. Use child-proof cabinet locks if your dog is very crafty. Always look around before you leave home to make sure you haven’t left anything on the counter or table that your dog might like to eat.

Keep your garbage containers in a locked cabinet or pantry. Don’t ever assume your well-behaved dog won’t try to get at food, personal hygiene products, or medications when you’re not around! Another option is to crate your dog when you’re not home.” 

Three Golden Retriever Pups

What Can Golden Retrievers Eat?

So, now you know all the foods dogs can’t eat, what exactly can your Golden Retriever eat?

Golden Retrievers can safely consume various human foods, such as lean meats, select fruits and vegetables, dairy, and plain rice or pasta, as long as they’re given in moderation.

Although I ensure my dog eats a nutritious, well-balanced diet, I like to mix it up by giving her some human food as a topping in her food bowl.

Treats should not account for more than 10% of your Golden Retriever’s daily calories. Ensure your dog’s food is lean, cooked, and without salt or seasoning.

The healthy and safe foods for your dog to consume are listed below; however, I have a more in-depth article on the best diet for Golden Retrievers, including nutrition, types, and precisely what they can and can’t eat that you may find helpful.

Lean Meats

Golden Retrievers can eat cooked lean cuts of meat if all visible fat is removed. My dogs’ favorites are chicken, turkey, pork, and beef. Processed meats with high salt or seasoning levels, such as bacon, sausage, and ham, should be avoided.

Before you feed your dog meat, make sure there are no bones in it, as cooked bones can be harmful. They can quickly splinter into shards, causing choking and significant damage to your dog’s digestive tract.

If you want to give your Golden Retriever a bone, make sure it’s raw and at least the size of his muzzle, like a big beef shank bone.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Apple or banana slices make delicious treats for your dog. Strawberries and raspberries are also good; you can freeze them to keep your doggo cool in hot weather.

You may also feed apricots, peaches, nectarines, and plums to your Golden Retriever. Still, you must discard any seeds or pits because they contain cyanide and can cause toxicity if ingested in large quantities.

Allowing your Golden Retriever to eat vegetables such as carrots, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, or pumpkin is also acceptable. While raw carrots and green beans are fine, you should cook most vegetables to make them easier for your dog to digest.

Vegetables are a better choice than fruits because they contain less sugar. Check out this article to discover what vegetables your dog can enjoy: 28 Vegetables Golden Retrievers Can Eat.

Cooked Rice and Pasta

Cooked white rice and cooked pasta are safe for dogs to consume. If your Golden Retriever has an upset stomach, cooked plain white rice is a good choice because it is easy to digest and simple to prepare.

Rice is a common ingredient in dog food – my dog’s food contains 29% brown whole-grain rice, which is a healthier type.

Pasta must be plain, without any sauces, as they often contain garlic and onions, which they can’t eat. Dogs with a wheat allergy or a sensitivity to grains or eggs should not eat pasta. 

Dairy Products

Dairy items such as cheese, milk, and plain yogurt are generally harmless for Golden Retrievers if eaten in minimal amounts.

If your dog is lactose intolerant, overeating dairy will cause diarrhea or vomiting because he cannot break down the sugars in these foods.


Fish is a healthy source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit your dog’s immune system, coat, and skin.

Fish is safe for dogs to consume if it is thoroughly cooked and has no added oils or seasonings. Make sure there are no bones in it. You should not feed raw fish due to the risk of bacteria like salmonella.

I like to give my dog fresh salmon as a special treat, and she loves it! Longer-living fish species, such as tuna and mackerel, have been linked to higher mercury levels, so if you feed these, only provide a limited amount occasionally.

Let’s Wrap This Up!

When your Golden Retriever eagerly stares at you with those yearningly sad eyes, hoping for a quick taste of your food, don’t be tempted to give him some unless you are positive it’s safe. Here are some key takeaways from the article:

  • If your dog ate something poisonous by mistake, he would generally have to consume a large amount of most of the toxic foods mentioned in this article. However, it’s necessary to be aware of them because some foods, such as grapes, can be fatal even if consumed in small quantities.
  • If you believe your Retriever has eaten something he shouldn’t, follow the above-mentioned steps and take action immediately. If toxicity is detected as soon as possible, the prognosis is always better, so don’t wait until your dog becomes ill before getting help.
  • If you’re unsure if a specific food is safe for your dog, consult your veterinarian, particularly if he has any medical conditions, allergies, or sensitivities.
Sharon Waddington
Sharon Waddington is the founder of World of Dogz. With over 30 years of experience working with dogs, this former Police Officer has seen it all. But it’s her trusty German Shepherd, Willow, who steals the show as the inspiration behind this website. As Sharon’s constant companion Willow has played a pivotal role in shaping her passion for dogs. Recently, Sharon has become deeply passionate about the plight of rescue dogs and is an active advocate for dog rescue, striving to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.

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