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7 Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Clean When a Dog Is In Heat

Last Updated: December 10, 2023

When a dog goes into heat, it can be challenging for pet owners to maintain a clean and odor-free home. Female dogs go into heat approximately every six months, lasting about three weeks. During this time, they may leave blood stains on furniture, carpets, and other surfaces, making it difficult to keep the home clean. 

To keep your home clean when your dog is in heat, cover her vulva using dog diapers, clean up stains immediately using an enzymatic cleaner, maintain your dog’s hygiene with extra baths, and provide a designated resting area.

With the right strategies and tools, you can ensure your home remains clean and hygienic while your dog is in heat (estrus).

This article will explore the most effective ways to maintain a clean and healthy home while your dog is in season.

How To Keep The House Clean When Your Dog Is In Heat

There are four stages to the canine heat cycle:

  • Proestrus: This is the start of the heat period, when the dog’s body is preparing to mate, and can last from three to 17 days.
  • Estrus: This is the stage when the female can become pregnant and is often referred to as being “in heat” or “in season.”
  • Diestrus: This is the stage after the female has ovulated and can last from 60 to 90 days.
  • Anestrus: This is the period of time between heat cycles when the dog’s reproductive system is at rest.

During estrus, your dog will experience vaginal bleeding or discharge. The amount of bleeding can vary between individual dogs.

You should pay close attention to your dog’s hygiene at this time and prevent her from leaving bloodstains around the house. However, I get it. It would be impossible to supervise her all the time!

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to minimize messes and keep your home tidy while your dog is in heat.

1. Use Doggy Diapers

If you struggle to keep your home clean while your furry friend is in heat, I have a solution: doggy diapers! 

These nifty little inventions absorb blood before making a mess on your floors or furniture.

During the first few weeks of your dog’s heat cycle, she might dribble blood without realizing it. 

That’s where the diapers come in handy. You can opt for reusable ones that you can wash in between uses or disposable ones that you can toss out immediately. 

Just slip them on your pup’s hind end and change them as soon as they get wet or soiled. Easy peasy!

One thing to remember when purchasing doggy diapers is to ensure you get the right size for your pooch. Larger breeds will need bigger diapers to ensure they’re not too tight, while smaller breeds will need snugger ones to prevent them from falling off. 

This simple solution saves a lot of hassle and keeps your home clean and tidy while your dog is in heat.

I recommend the Simple Solution True Fit Disposable Dog Diapers as they are super comfy for your dog and come in a range of sizes, so they fit just perfectly.

2. Take Your Dog To Potty More Frequently

When dogs are in heat, they release pheromones and hormones that attract male dogs when they urinate, making them more likely to urine mark. 

To prevent accidents in your home, take your dog out to relieve themselves more often than usual.

If you notice your pup whining by the door or acting antsy, it’s a sign that they need to go out. 

However, you should avoid taking your dog to a dog park while in heat. Male dogs can smell her pheromones and may try to mate with her, leading to an unwanted and potentially dangerous situation. 

Stick to walking your dog in areas where you’re less likely to encounter other dogs. 

This simple tip lets you keep your home clean and your dog happy and healthy during their heat cycle.


3. Use Disposable Wipes

Here’s another tip for keeping your home clean while your dog is in season: wipe her with disposable wipes. 

While dogs are generally pretty good at keeping themselves clean, there might be times when they get a little messier. 

If you notice any odors or small messes around your dog’s genitals, grab a disposable dog wipe and gently clean it off.

You should be extra gentle when wiping your dog’s hind end and between her legs, as her vulva will be more sensitive during her heat cycle. 

Take your time and ensure you’re not causing discomfort to your furry friend. 

This simple tip prevents odors or messes from lingering in your home and keeps your dog clean and comfortable throughout her heat cycle.

4. Bathe Your Dog More Frequently

If your dog still smells during their heat cycle, here’s a tip for keeping her fresh: give her a quick bath with dog shampoo. 

To do this, lead your pup into the tub and wet her fur with warm water. Lather dog shampoo into her fur, paying extra attention to the area between her legs and vulva. Gently rinse all the shampoo and dry her with some old towels.

Bathing your dog can help mask residual blood or urine odors, but you should also keep her safe and separated from male dogs. 

Some dogs might be more temperamental during their heat cycle, so only bathe them if willing. If your dog barks, nips, or shows any other signs of distress, stop what you’re doing.

With this simple tip, you can keep your dog smelling fresh and clean throughout her heat cycle. 

Remember to always be gentle and patient with your dog, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you’re unsure how to care for them during this time.

 A GSD in the bath.

5. Use An Enzymatic Cleaner

Enzymatic cleaners break down the odors and stains, making it less likely for your dog to mark the same spot again. 

So, even if you’ve wiped up messes with a paper towel, your dog may still be able to smell them.

First, use an enzymatic cleaner to blot up as much mess as possible with a paper towel. 

Then, spray the cleaner directly onto the spot and let it soak in. Finally, soak up the cleaner with another paper towel. This should remove any odors and stains, making your home smell fresh and clean.

Remember, dogs in heat are more likely to urine mark to spread their hormones and pheromones. So, cleaning up messes as soon as you spot them is important to prevent any future accidents or markings. 

This simple tip lets you keep your home clean and odor-free throughout your furry friend’s heat cycle.

6. Use Essential Oils as a Scent-Blocker

While doggy diapers can help trap most odors, you may still notice a scent when your dog is in heat. 

To help mask the scent, try using an essential oil diffuser with lavender or chamomile. These scents can help create a calming atmosphere and conceal any odors your dog may give off.

You can also apply a small dab of menthol oil to the end of your dog’s tail to help mask the scent

Some essential oils can be toxic to dogs, so it’s important to research and consult with a veterinarian or aromatherapist before using any new oils. 

Also, avoiding applying essential oils directly to your dog’s skin or fur is important, as this can cause irritation or allergic reactions.

You should also keep your diffuser in a different room than your dog, as the vapors could harm her lungs.

This simple tip lets you keep your home smelling fresh and clean while your furry friend is in heat. Just be sure to choose safe scents and keep your diffuser away from your dog to avoid harm.

Please also note that some scents are harmful to dogs, such as particular air fresheners and scented candles, so ensure you check the product first.

Two Dogs Sniffing

7. Get Your Dog Spayed

Depending on the breed, spaying your dog will stop them from going into heat, which can happen once or twice a year. 

If you don’t plan on breeding your dog, scheduling an appointment with your vet to have them spayed is a good idea.

It’s important to wait until your dog isn’t in heat to get them spayed. This will help prevent any complications during the surgery. 

Plus, spaying your dog can also help prevent serious health problems as they get older, such as uterine infections and breast cancer, although it is accepted that more studies are needed. You should discuss this matter with a professional. 

After the surgery, give your dog a clean and quiet place to recover and take good care of them while they heal. 

This simple tip lets you keep your home clean and your dog healthy and happy for years.


What Is A Dog’s Heat Cycle, And How Long Does It Last?

A dog’s heat cycle, or estrus, is when she is receptive to mating. It typically lasts around 3 weeks but can range from 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, your dog may experience behavior changes and blood or fluids discharge.

How Often Should I Bathe My Dog During Her Heat Cycle?

You should only bathe your dog during her heat cycle if she smells bad or gets visibly dirty. Excessive bathing can dry out her skin and upset the natural balance of oils. If you need to bathe her, use a gentle dog shampoo and avoid getting water in her ears. Be extra gentle around her vulva and hindquarters.

Is It Safe To Take My Dog For Walks When She’s In Season?

Taking your dog for walks during her heat cycle is generally safe, but taking extra precautions is essential to avoid unwanted attention from male dogs. Keep her on a leash and avoid dog parks or areas where other dogs may be off-leash. If you notice any male dogs showing an interest in her, try to calmly and quickly remove her from the situation.

Can I Use Baby Wipes To Clean My Dog During Her Heat Cycle?

Using human baby wipes to clean your dog during her heat cycle is not recommended. Baby wipes are designed for human skin and may contain ingredients harmful to dogs if ingested or absorbed through their skin. Instead, opt for wipes specifically made for dogs or use a damp washcloth.

Sharon Waddington
Sharon Waddington is the founder of World of Dogz. With over 30 years of experience working with dogs, this former Police Officer has seen it all. But it’s her trusty German Shepherd, Willow, who steals the show as the inspiration behind this website. As Sharon’s constant companion Willow has played a pivotal role in shaping her passion for dogs. Recently, Sharon has become deeply passionate about the plight of rescue dogs and is an active advocate for dog rescue, striving to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.

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